We now offer Couples/Family Therapy from our offices in Salisbury and Stockbridge.


PLEASE NOTE  – We are currently unable to offer ADHD/ADD appointments due to overwhelming demand. We are really sorry that we are unable to open a waiting list for appointments. Please contact us at the beginning of AUGUST 2024 for availability from OCTOBER 2024.

If you are interested in an assessment, please email stockbridge@thesalisburypractice.co.uk  we would need the following details:

  • Date of Birth
  • Mobile Number
  • Address
  • Your email address
  • GP – Surgery name and address
  • Self-funding or Medical Insurance (if the latter the name of the insurer, the membership number and authorisation code. (PLEASE NOTE DR EL-KHAYAT IS NOT BUPA REGISTERED)

Dr El-khayat will then be able to offer face-to-face ADHD assessments for 16+ Adults on Tuesdays and Thursdays in our Stockbridge Clinic.

  • The assessment takes two full hours. 
  • Undertaken by a Consultant Psychiatrist with extensive experience in assessment and management of ADHD.
  • Fully compliant with NICE guidance.
  • Includes assessment of past psychiatric history and treatments, personal, educational and medical history as well as personality traits. ( Where there is complexity, we may require a second session before concluding the assessment).
  • Structured and thorough ADHD assessment, following DIVA5 to comply with DSM5 criteria. 
  • Discussion of summary and conclusions of the assessment, discussion of non-medication approaches (references given) is included. 
  • Discussion of medication options is offered in detail prior to being given any prescription. 
  • We ask people to take their time after an assessment before making a decision about treatment approaches. 
  • A comprehensive written report is provided after each assessment. 


As a Practitioner who prescribes ADHD medication, Dr Redwan takes responsibility for ensuring on-going safety monitoring very seriously.  He will therefore only be able to prescribe ADHD medication if;

  • For the first 5-6 months, you make a follow up appointment with him once a month (or until settled on the right dose), 
  • After 6 months, (and if settled on the right dose), a follow up appointment is necessary six monthly.  You may need to attend more frequently if there are other more pressing needs to consider.


Face to face Assessment – £800 
Face to Face Follow Up – £280/hr-£180/25 mins 
Online follow up – £280/hr-/£160/25 mins 

Please note Dr El-khayat would also need sight of any previous psychiatric/medical/educational reports. Once a date has been offered, we will send a number of forms to be completed. These need to be returned prior to your appointment.

Further information on what to expect from an appointment can be found below. Please call our Stockbridge Clinic on 01264 811660 should you have any further questions.

ADHD Assessment for Adults

ADHD Assessment for Young Adults 16 +

Parents Guide to ADHD (link to Childmind.org)